Thursday, January 26, 2006

Got the low down from a lab colleague that the first free lunch of the year was about to hit the scene... People where there in the tens reaching out for the Sponsors product. I am new to the game so wasn't familiar with the catering... but it appeared to be an outside job... a good sign.

"Todays luch was brought to you by MabThera" (rituxumab) an expensive magic bullet wonder drug for follicular lymphoma. Mabthera TM is made by the wonderful people at roche. The sales reps were rubbing their hands and looking around with their beady eyes for anyone with a stethoscope.

Lunch consisted of:

gourmet mini rolls (turkey and mustard) 4/5
chicken wings (teriyaki, cold, not sticky) 3/5
Vege and egg tart (rather dry) 1/5
Muffins (chocolate very dense) 4/5

The coffee today does not warrent reviewing as it was as pale as a albibo's legs and about as flavoursome.

Fruit provided: a satisfying mini banana.

All in all a good start to 2006..... no such thing as a free lunch don't make me laugh!
in the words of Clint Brown BOOYAH! I am trying a blog. i do love free lunches and working in a hospital setting i may get a chance to review a few and my life in general... well off to my first free lunch of the year right now... toot-a-loo