Friday, February 17, 2006

At home today.... ah working from home. A way to get slightly more than nothing done. One problem with doing it today is I am missing the first clinical meeting of the year and subsequently the first free lunch! My, my this reviewer is slipping and must lift his game.

A free lunch of some note occured one week past, three meals were provided for the presentation of the Christchurch School of Medicine summer studentship talks. Research on topics ranging from the geographic location of eldery falls to the vaccum treatment of chronic ulcers were presented. Great to see the enthusiasm and drive of all involved. I gabbed on about the role of NTRK2 in mood disorders... More work to be done on that story. Oh so much more work to be done.

All my flatmates are back and kicking and we are now a fully dysfunctional household. Gotta love it.