Monday, July 17, 2006

Planning to take over the world!

Hey there. Well no free lunches as yet this week but with the end of the dreaded school holidays tomorrow is looking brighter. I can almost smell the mushroom and bacon quiche. As well as a free lunch, I get to learn about the treatment of depressed alcoholics, very depressing.

On a not so depressing note, progress is being made on Guy, Ben, and My mission of awesomeness to the Carribean. Oh yes, after years of pondering and making false starts on other ill concieved overseas missions we are off to the cricket world cup. Accomodation is booked and match tickets are well on the way to being sorted. It is all very exciting.


Ben said...

am very very excited about the world cup... can't wait...

Fuck its hot in Romania right now... tee hee hee are you jealous? but to be honest I'm homesick and I wouldn't care how cold it was back home...